IESL Engineer Journal is now Indexed in the ESCI of Web of Science

The phrase "publish or perish" that succinctly captures the pressure academics feel to produce scholarly work continuously in order to achieve career progress is an age old problem. For example, the phrase appears in an article by Clarence Marsh Case (1874-1946) in the Sociology and Social Research (1927).

A consequence of this situation is the need for scholarly journals in which articles with high level of scientific rigour can be published. While publishers of scholarly journals resort to peer-review to ensure that they publish only the highest quality work, the authors rely on impact factor to determine the reputation (ie., quality) of the journal.

The Impact Factor (IF) of a journal is calculated for a given year and is a measure of how often articles in that journal have been cited in other scholarly work. For this value to be meaningful, it must be calculated by excluding self-citations and including only those articles that appear in other reputable journals.

Therefore, the computation of bibliometric measures such as IF requires the careful curation of a corpus of metadata on scientific literature as an index. Eugene Garfield (1925-2017), one of the founders of bibliometric and the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) created several highly regarded indexes including the widely known Science Citation Index (SCI).

The SCI, originally maintained by ISI that was part of the multinational mass media corporation of Thomson Reuters is now known as Clarivate Analytics. Under the Web of Science citation indexing service, this company provides several well known indexes including Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE of more than 8,500 journals from 1900), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI of more than 160,000 conference titles from 1990), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI of more than 3,000 journals from 1900), and the newly created Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

From the beginning of 2017, the "ENGINEER" journal published by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) is included in the ESCI. This landmark achievement has been realized through the continuous improvements to the editorial and publishing process implemented by the Editor of the Journal Eng. (Prof.) T. M. Pallewatta.


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