The IESL has garnered significant responsibilities in recent years in fulfilling its mission to promote, protect and develop the profession of engineering in Sri Lanka.

Key among these achievements are the full Washington Accord Accreditor status (in 2014) for 4 year engineering degree programs, provisional Sydney Accord Accreditor status for 3 year engineering degree programs (in 2017), and as sole representative of Chartered Engineers in the Engineering Council setup under the Engineering Council, Sri Lanka Act, No. 4 of 2017.

Invariably, such powers of the IESL will require the Institution to have greater transparency in its actions. Towards achieving that objective, the IT & Communications Engineering Sectional Committee of the IESL is sponsoring a resolution at the IESL AGM 2017 on the Right to Information Act.

Please participate at the IESL AGM on Saturday, 28th October 2017 and express your views on this resolution and support its adoption.


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